The standards that a group or an individual has related to what is evil, what is good or what is wrong and what is right is known as morality. Moral standards are those that are related to behaviors of individuals especially how they differentiate between wrong behavior and right behavior or bad behavior or good behavior.
The rules that individuals have related to different kinds of actions they perceive can be wrong or right morally are also known as moral standards. They also include values other individuals have about the different kinds of objects they also believe can be morally bad or morally good. Moral standards along with moral principles and moral values can also be equated by some ethicists.
Moral Standards
Along with this, rules that are unrelated to ethical considerations or moral considerations are known as non-moral standards. It is not necessary that standards are linked to regarding nature that lacks ethical sense or to morality. However, some basic examples of non-moral standards involve different rules of the house, different rules about games, different standards of fashion, and different rules of etiquette. Non-moral principles involve legal statues, for example, different ordinances and different laws. They also include some different traditions and rules related to religions.
Moreover, there are some characteristics through which differences between non-moral standards and moral standards can be highlighted. For instance, different advantages or serious wrongs can be involved in moral standards. Along with this, a matter that can influence seriously that can provide different benefits or injure other individuals can be involved in moral standards. However, when it comes about non-moral standards.
They are different from moral standards. For example, an individual violating or following some rules of basketball games may matter in games of basketball. However, they may not impact someone’s well-being or life.
Whereas moral standards may also include the values of other individuals. As hegemonic authority or overriding character may be included in moral standards. If it is stated by moral standards that an individual does has the moral obligation. This may conflict with the non-moral standards of other individuals or their self-interest.
It also means that moral standards are not simply the principles or rules in society, but they involve precedence over considerations of other individuals. They may involve the legal ones, the prudential ones, or even the aesthetic ones. An individual may be justified aesthetically even if he/she prefers to leave his family behind.