Research Paper on Evidence Based Practice

Evidence based practice is the critical element in health care practice. All the health care practitioners including nurses are essential to provide care and work by means of taking the substantial information from clinical studies and research. On the other hand, they must consider that the resources of evidence should be valid and genuine. This article discusses the importance of evidence-based practice in nursing along with the major steps of evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice means the judicious, explicit, and conscientious use of existing best information in decision-making to provide better health care to each patient. It means the integration of clinical skills and experiences concerning the best available evidence from the current research studies and articles.

In addition, evidence-based practice leads to a reduction in health care costs, improved patient outcomes, higher-quality care, and greater nurse satisfaction. In nursing, EBP concentrates on the fact that clinical practice depends on the development and adaptation of research, theory, and the ongoing cycle of evidence.

Evidence-based practice makes safe and high-quality care services possible in connection with the alternatives, requirements, ethics, and welfare of ill persons. EBP in nursing provides support to a number of initiatives with the concepts of the best care and quality practice in health care settings. In this concern, EBP provides opportunities for nursing care to maximize the effects of clinical judgment, as well as to be more dynamic, streamlined, more effective, and individualized.

Not only this, nurses get the great opportunity to take advantage of learning the latest technology along with the development of new knowledge. In a comparison of traditional practices, evidence-based nursing care enhances the care of the patient and provides good care within a short span via reducing the hospital stay.

The extensive development activities and researches have provided a large number of facts to be used for evidence-based practice. In addition, the proper procedure of evidence-based practice is also available. In the current scenario, it is necessary for nurses to adopt innovative and new techniques to offer the best possible, safe, and effective nursing care to patients. The health care hospitals and nursing schools must educate the nurse students and novice nurses to develop a culture of EBP.