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Drawbacks of a Democratic Political System

Democratic Political System

A democratic political system is one in which the power to rule supposedly lies in the hands of citizens, who are free to choose their leaders. The word ‘democracy’ comes from the Greek word ‘popular government’. Despite its supporters who keep talking about its theoretical benefits, democracy has many drawbacks as a practical system of governance. […]

research paper, essay writing, essays, essay writing services, essay writing solution

The Influence of Parental Involvement in Academic Accomplishment

It is not wise to underestimate the academic success of any student being impact by parental involvement. As the fact is a student’s academic accomplishment is majorly influenced by the type of support the child is receiving at home beside the significant roles played by genetics, work ethics, and brain power. Students are most likely to achieve straight As and enjoy schooling if they are fifty percent supported by their parents. In contrast to this, students who do not receive significant support from their parents are most likely to fail academically. Such cases are quite apparent in the initial schooling years, especially in Kindergarten through the fifth grade. This is the period where students are most likely to succeed if they have active parents and those who are involved in their studies. […]

research paper, essay writing, essays, essay writing services, essay writing solution

How to Write Good Political Science Papers

Political Science Papers

Political science helps us to analyze various kinds of political problems and to present arguments based on research and information using both, primary and secondary sources. Political science spreads across a number of different fields, such as economics, philosophy, sociology, history, and uses analysis of both forms, quantitative and qualitative, while asking questions such as “why”, “how”, “what happened” as well as “what should have happened”. […]

research paper, essay writing, essays, essay writing services, essay writing solution

Impact of Beauty Contests on Women’s Self-esteem

Impact of Beauty Contests

Television viewers today are peppered with beauty pageants that feature glamorous girls decked out in pricey gowns, full makeup and long hair. Pageants are a multi-billion dollar industry that teaches women that all you need to succeed in life is beauty. These young women in pageants often have layers of make-up, fake nails, fake hair, and fake breasts. They are paraded in bikinis in front of audiences, asked silly questions, told to perform a highly superficial talent and judged on it. […]

research paper, essay writing, essays, essay writing services, essay writing solution

BRICS – Relevance & Future

BRICS is an acronym for a group of nations that have come together for political and economic cooperation. These emerging powers are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the last-named being the latest entry into this exclusive club, which actually started as BRIC. The foundational principles of BRICS are equality, sovereignty and pluralism in world affairs. […]