Guideline for writing a Review Paper

A review paper is a document in which opinions and comments about a particular topic or subject are presented. The purpose of a review paper is to briefly describe your evaluation of the subject material. It could also be a review of a book, movie, or any literary piece.

The paper should provide an overall analysis of the subject matter, without going into too much detail. The reader should be able to comprehend the overall theme and the review should be written in such a way, as to facilitate the reader to not have to refer to the original text. […]

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The Influence of Parental Involvement in Academic Accomplishment

It is not wise to underestimate the academic success of any student being impact by parental involvement. As the fact is a student’s academic accomplishment is majorly influenced by the type of support the child is receiving at home beside the significant roles played by genetics, work ethics, and brain power. Students are most likely to achieve straight As and enjoy schooling if they are fifty percent supported by their parents. In contrast to this, students who do not receive significant support from their parents are most likely to fail academically. Such cases are quite apparent in the initial schooling years, especially in Kindergarten through the fifth grade. This is the period where students are most likely to succeed if they have active parents and those who are involved in their studies. […]

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Introduction to Health Breakdown

Health breakdown can result in many different types, however, some of the most serious ones are a mental breakdown and nervous breakdown. Mental breakdown and nervous breakdown are dated phrases eventually that defined some kind of physical or emotional stress that eventually leads to individual lead issues related to the daily functioning of life. […]

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Bandersnatch (Black Mirror) Review

Bandersnatch is the famous creature that appeared first in 1871 sequel of Lewis Carroll, What Alice Found, and Through the Looking Glass contributing to the literature of children in a game-changing way. As part of a most renowned shard of the nonsense of Carroll ( the Jabberwocky poem) it emerged fleetingly, further, it appeared as a whip-fast, snapping, and biting being that resides in the land behind the specific looking glass. In addition, it is the only standalone extended episode of Black Mirror directed by David Slade and created by Charlie Brooker. Moreover, it also allowed its viewers to consider decisions for the key character that is Stefan – the videogame designer who eventually also has impacted the story’s outcome. […]

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Review: Ashley O – the Best Character of the ‘Black Mirror’

In the pop digital song sales chart of Billboard, the ‘on a roll’ of Ashley is debuted in the top twenty. In the United Kingdom, the long-awaited concert debut was made by Ashley O at the Glastonbury Festival. The hit song ‘on a roll’ was performed by Miley Cyrus – the recent alter ego of the pop star. The character of Cyrus and the track was debuted in Black Mirror – the most recent season of Netflix and have taken then on a life of its own. However, among television critics, the increasing popularity of Ashley O by Cyrus in the episode of Black Mirror appeared to be divisive incredibly. […]

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Is Religion the Cause of War?

Is Religion the Cause of War? Our world today is racked by war. Switch on the TV and there seems to be at least one part of the world where war is being waged. The news that is constantly aired into our homes seems to want to convince us that the most violent conflicts, directly or indirectly, are being fought on religious lines, giving rise to the notion that religion is the primary cause of war. But is this allegation true? Or is it another media-created myth? […]

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Review: Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell

Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell a dystopian novel published in 1949. The novel starts off in Airstrip One previously known as Great Britain, a province in Oceania that divided the world after a global war, the place where one government surveillance and a strictly controlled public controlled by a political system named English Socialism exist, which is under the control of a privileged Inner Party elite, that kills individualism and labeling thinking independently as “thoughtcrime”, which is also a Newspeak word. […]