Bandersnatch is the famous creature that appeared first in 1871 sequel of Lewis Carroll, What Alice Found, and Through the Looking Glass contributing to the literature of children in a game-changing way. As part of a most renowned shard of the nonsense of Carroll ( the Jabberwocky poem) it emerged fleetingly, further, it appeared as a whip-fast, snapping, and biting being that resides in the land behind the specific looking glass. In addition, it is the only standalone extended episode of Black Mirror directed by David Slade and created by Charlie Brooker. Moreover, it also allowed its viewers to consider decisions for the key character that is Stefan – the videogame designer who eventually also has impacted the story’s outcome.
Moreover, this new film on Netflix exists in a paradox that presents a stand-alone entry of ‘Black Mirror’’. For interactive content, an innovative step has been marked by Bandersnatch.
However, over multiple viewings interest failed to be sustained by its meta-narrative. It is not satisfying dramatically and is time-consuming and only interesting in the starting. Yet still one of the highly interactive moments in Bandersnatch is when the term ‘Netflix’ got involved by one of the choices viewers.
A picture of the early 1980s has been shown by Bandersnatch and it focuses upon a game programmer who is young Stefan Butler and is living with this father and is suffering from anxiety issues. When he was 5 his mother passed away and therefore he was raised by his father.
All this while Stefan has been reading one of his mother’s favorite book known ‘Bandersnatch’’, which is a book that has different detours and realities. Further, Stefan planned to make a video game out of the story highlighted in the book. One of the most interesting facts of Bandersnatch is that it considered those decisions that lead to a coherent and relatively linear storyline.