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Dissertation Idea: Genocide in Rwanda

The genocide in Rwanda was the mass killing of the Tutsis and moderate Hutus by the Hutu majority population. During the approximate 100-day period from around 500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed, who made up nearly 20% of the country’s total population and 70% of the Tutsi then that lived in Rwanda. The genocide was the work of   the main political elite known as the akazu. Nearly all were high-ranking members of the national government. The killer’s were from the Hutu militias and included Hutu civilians. The mass slaughter took place because of the Rwandan Civil War, and continuing conflict which began in 1990 between the Hutu-led government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front. […]

Can Smoking be Prevented by Making Tobacco Illegal?

The 20th century saw the spread of the most deadly form of tobacco use: cigarette smoking. Economic development further led to massive increases in male cigarette smoking in developing countries. Until the 1970s, no government took serious action to protect its citizens. Without drastic action to get current smokers to stop, the annual rate of tobacco-related deaths will grow from 5 million in 2006 to 10 million in 2025. […]

The Importance of Reference

The Importance of Reference in Academic writing

The very first thing that you should know is the meaning of reference. Referencing is an act of acknowledging the papers, books, and other available materials published or unpublished that were used while doing your research of an essay or a report. The use of this reference is made twice in your work.

First, it will be used in the body of the text especially in the place or point or word where the source is being referred and secondly, it will be used in the reference list at the end with full details of the source or it is also called a bibliography. […]

Checklist for improving your own piece of writing

Revision, editing, and rewriting can nearly always enhance an excellent first draft. You will be able to enhance your writing as you learn to critically examine your own work. The checklists below will assist you in moving from a solid first draft to a better, more polished final draft. You can also hire Essay Writing Solution best custom essay service to get your essay writing work completed for you by professionals. Following is the checklist for improving your own piece of writing: […]

research paper, essay writing, essays, essay writing services, essay writing solution

HR Issues in the Hospitality Industry

HR Issues in the Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry orbits around two factors, the staff (employees) and the guests. The fact is that hospitality industry has become highly fast-paced and competitive and due to this, numerous of issues are faced on daily basis by HR department. The issues currently faced by HR in the hospitality industry are the usage of internet, safety issues, theft, harassment claims, inexperienced managers, non-existing procedures and policies, retention, management skills and turnover. Other issues are mostly related to employees, such as shrinkage, morale, training, and recruitment. […]

research paper, essay writing, essays, essay writing services, essay writing solution

My Statement of Interests

My Statement of Interests

“Dear, why you always judge people from their clothing?” was something my friends used to ask me in my early teens, and they were right. To me, fashion represents the person itself and more like a body language. A form of non-verbal communication that presents a lot to the observer about the wearer. For me, this was not the only reason I planned to acquire my graduation in fashion studies. […]

research paper, essay writing, essays, essay writing services, essay writing solution

Is Marijuana Mother Nature’s Medicine?

Marijuana has been proven as Mother Nature’s medicine by numerous credible resources. In 2016, the sales of North American marijuana grew thirty percent along with the expansion of the legal market in the Canada and United States. It is also predicted that the sales will grow more by 2021. The practice of consumption, selling, and growing of marijuana is widely accepted by a huge number of states. Marijuana has been perceived as medical cannabis and has appeared to be quite desirable by the patients. Medical marijuana has been perceived as a therapy by numerous of patients. Some of the patients even take to reduce their back pain. […]

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Rachael Whiteread – The Influential Contemporary British Artist

One of the influential contemporary British artist – Rachael Whiteread was born in 1963in Ilford. She till now is one of that English artist who is renowned for most of her sculptures produced. Different types of casts are reflected in the art of this English artist. Forgotten loves lost voices and vanished lives are mostly conjured up in her magnificent sculpture. She resides in East London in a former synagogue and had been working as an artist since 1987. In 1988, she displayed her first solo exhibition. […]