research paper, essay writing, essays, essay writing services, essay writing solution

Thesis: William Blake (1757-12)

William Blake was an English poet. He is considered as a poet of the early phase of the Romantic age of England. He was also a painter and printmaker. He was a visionary poet, with an apt insight of human life and plight. He was well aware of the harsh realities and complexities of urban life. He was specifically concerned with the poverty, oppression of the weaker, and the plight of children. He, like Charles Dickens, perfectly and accurately portrayed the life of the Victorian Era and its cruelties on a particular class of human circle. Because of this, he is known as a social reformer. […]

research paper, essay writing, essays, essay writing services, essay writing solution

Importance of Thesis Statement

The Essentials of Constructing Your Thesis Statement

The foremost and essential thing that makes your essay stand out is its custom thesis statement writing.  A thesis statement has a purpose of declaring a premise based on the research on the topic that you have chosen. Usually, a thesis statement appears at the end of your article’s first paragraph. It is also essential for writing complex essays as it drives the reader towards a highlight of the conclusion. In addition, a thesis statement is one of the most difficult parts of the essay as it relates to all the other elements of the thesis. […]

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy in 2023: Challenges and Opportunities

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy in 2023: Challenges and Opportunities

Cybersecurity and data privacy are critical issues in today’s digital age, with the growing dependence on technology and the increasing number of cyber threats. This essay will provide an overview of the current state of cybersecurity and data privacy, the challenges they pose, and the opportunities they present.

The essay will begin by discussing the importance of cybersecurity and data privacy, followed by an analysis of the current threats and challenges. The essay will then discuss the opportunities that emerging technologies offer in addressing these challenges. Finally, the essay will conclude by highlighting the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing cybersecurity and data privacy concerns.


Healthcare After COVID-19: Lessons Learned and Future Implications

Healthcare After COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the healthcare industry, highlighting the importance of preparedness and resilience. As we emerge from the pandemic, it is essential to examine the lessons learned and to consider the future implications for healthcare.

This essay will explore the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare, including the challenges faced, the innovations implemented, and the potential long-term implications. The essay will also discuss the importance of preparedness and resilience in healthcare, as well as the role of technology in improving healthcare delivery. […]

Can Smoking be Prevented by Making Tobacco Illegal?

The 20th century saw the spread of the most deadly form of tobacco use: cigarette smoking. Economic development further led to massive increases in male cigarette smoking in developing countries. Until the 1970s, no government took serious action to protect its citizens. Without drastic action to get current smokers to stop, the annual rate of tobacco-related deaths will grow from 5 million in 2006 to 10 million in 2025. […]

Essay on Russia-Ukraine War

Russia-Ukraine War

The Russia-Ukraine war, also known as the Russo-Ukrainian War, has had a significant impact on both countries and the region as a whole.

Economic: The war has had a major impact on the economies of both Russia and Ukraine. The annexation of Crimea by Russia and the ongoing fighting in eastern Ukraine have disrupted trade and economic ties between the two countries. Additionally, the fighting has reduced tourism and international investment in the area.


The Importance of Reference

The Importance of Reference in Academic writing

The very first thing that you should know is the meaning of reference. Referencing is an act of acknowledging the papers, books, and other available materials published or unpublished that were used while doing your research of an essay or a report. The use of this reference is made twice in your work.

First, it will be used in the body of the text especially in the place or point or word where the source is being referred and secondly, it will be used in the reference list at the end with full details of the source or it is also called a bibliography. […]

Thesis on The Evolution of the Family

Evolution of the Family

With changes brought about by industrialization, the family was no longer a unit of production but became a unit of consumption. In the olden days, family members used to work together to make a living. However, with modern technology taking over manual work, most production was done in the industries.

Thus, the dependence on family members is reduced. Moreover, fewer children were given birth as the costs of living had risen. This meant that the family had become an institution that pressured family members.

Checklist for improving your own piece of writing

Revision, editing, and rewriting can nearly always enhance an excellent first draft. You will be able to enhance your writing as you learn to critically examine your own work. The checklists below will assist you in moving from a solid first draft to a better, more polished final draft. You can also hire Essay Writing Solution best custom essay service to get your essay writing work completed for you by professionals. Following is the checklist for improving your own piece of writing: […]

How To: Conclusion To Your Academic Paper

Conclusion To Your Academic Paper

It might be tough to write a conclusion for a dissertation The concluding paragraphs should be clear and concise, summarizing the information given in your study without becoming repetitive. A strong conclusion paragraph can enhance the impact of the information you have given in your paper. The significance of creating a good closing paragraph, how to create one, and some ideas to provide you academic dissertation help to write the conclusion for your dissertation paper are all covered in this article. […]