Argumentative Essay: Should Zoos Be Banned?

Should Zoos Be Banned? There is no denying that our world has evolved drastically over the last few centuries. With the passage of time, human beings have become more aware of their surroundings and their rights. As a result of this awareness, we have observed different movements that are aimed to bring some change. Awareness of animals’ rights has also emerged out as the animal rights activist decided to fight against any kind of cruelty to animals. Demand for the ban on zoos is also an endeavor to end the miseries of animals. Human rights activists believe that confining wild animals to small cages just to entertain human beings is simply unethical.

Zoos are basically built for the purpose of entertaining and educating people. In zoos, different animal species are kept confined in a small enclosure so that the local population can see these species closely.

The species kept in zoos, have to bear significant environmental, weather, and habitat change. These species have difficulty adapting to new environments and weather conditions.

Due to this, many species can only survive for few years in zoos. The argument, that zoos are build to save endangered species is totally irrelevant as because it ironically kills many species because of extreme environmental and weather change. Human rights activists emphasize the necessity of natural habitat for the normal growth of any species and insist that zoos should be banned.

Should Zoos Be Banned?

Depriving animals of their natural habitat just to entertain people is unethical. Being rational beings, we humans must take the responsibility of protecting Mother Nature and other living creatures.

We must know that zoos sabotage the natural order and natural life cycle of different species. The Government should build wildlife sanctuaries where people can see wild animals with the help of guided jungle safaris. This will allow the people to observe wildlife in a wild habitat.

Moreover, those who have an interest in animal’s lives can now get crucial knowledge by watching highly informational wildlife documentaries. Such wildlife documentaries help one to learn the different habits of different animals without disturbing their natural order.

Captivating wild animals for educational and entertainment purposes is unacceptable. There are other ways to get information about wildlife, such as wildlife documentaries.

Those who are keen to see wild animals in person can always observe them by going to guided jungles. Animals’ lives are as important as humans’; therefore, zoos must be banned to save the lives of wild animals.

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