Essay: Life in a Society

Life in a Society

The advantages of living in a society

Human beings do not live in society for the sake of just surviving; they do it because they want to have a good life. We all are in society for a reason, and society provides us with benefits necessary for our survival. Many individual needs are fulfilled by becoming a part of society; one can satisfy one’s economic needs, self-preservation and mutual aid during childhood and adulthood.

However, unlike a human being, society provides enormous benefits for the growth of one’s body, mind, and character. An individual can learn about various forms of art, philosophy and other studies done by different people.

Knowledge about the culture of different people and information about various styles of living can be gained through society.

Division of labor is the concept of dividing a task among various members who each do their own work in a specialized way. Through the division of labor, the production process can be made more efficient, and the burden of work can be reduced. More people are always better than one. Hence, a society is a group of members who work together to provide for each other’s needs.

Moreover, society also provides people with free time outside of their work routine. People can indulge in leisure time and do anything of their interest.

The routine of earning and creating a livelihood is important for economic needs, but for inner satisfaction, one also needs leisure time to spend time in which they can connect with the world or simply have fun. Having fun in life is important, and society also benefits us by providing us with various choices to spend our free time.

Life in a Society

Human beings have great potential for growth and improvement. Society provides resources for developing one’s mind, body, and soul so that an individual can become the best possible version of themselves. The resources would depend on one’s purchasing power and what facilities one can enjoy.

Therefore, people’s life experiences are determined by several factors. These could include their social class, race, color or even ethnicity. It all depends on where a person lives and what opportunities they avail when life gives them the chance to do so.

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